Tardy/Late Arrival:
Students who arrive late to school must report to the Main Office to sign in. Students are expected to be in the classroom when the bell rings at 7:25 a.m. Late arrivals must be excused by a parent/guardian. Please call 248-726-4510, or 248-726-4507 to excuse a late arrival.
Reporting an all-day absence, late arrival, or requesting early dismissal:
Please notify us with as much advance notice as possible. Medical/dental appointments and travel can be reported up to a week in advance. Absences must be reported by a parent or guardian. Students should contact each teacher regarding making up missed assignments.
Option #1 - Call the Attendance Line (248) 726-4510 to report an all-day absence, late arrival, or to request
early dismissal.
This is a 24-hour voicemail line, which is checked regularly. Please include the information below in your message:
● Student's first and last name (spelled out)
● Parent or Guardian’s first and last name
● Day and date of late arrival or early dismissal
● Reason for late arrival or early dismissal
● Early dismissals should be requested with as much advance notice as possible (up to one week). This allows us to get a pass to your child in advance, and have them ready for pick up, without interrupting classroom instruction.
*Note: Students leaving early must report to the Counseling Office to pick up a pass, and sign out in the Main Office before leaving the building. Students can only arrive and leave through the Main Office during the regular school day.
Option #2 – Use ParentVue to report all-day absences.
● Please note in the COMMENT SECTION the reason for the absence.
● Each date of absence requires a separate ParentVue entry.