Hart Middle School Sports
**IMPORTANT**: All Middle School athletes are required to register for sports, and submit health physicals, through Final Forms (See link at the bottom of this page.)
To find more information about pay-to-play, physicals, and sport schedules, please see below, or visit the RCS Athletics page.
To participate in Athletics, please complete and submit the MHSAA Physical Form through a Finals Forms account before trying out for a team.
Physicals must be dated April 15, 2024 or later.
SCHS/Hart Athletic Schedules
Girls Volleyball Tryouts (7th & 8th Grade)
January 27, 2025 through January 29, 2025, 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Hart Gym
*All athletes trying out must have a current health physical uploaded to Final Forms prior to the start of tryouts. Please click on the links above to access the MHSAA Physical Form and Final Forms.
(1st Cut will be made January 29, coach may have two rounds of cuts if needed)
Wrestling Information 2025
We will condition 3 days starting January 21st, 22nd and 23rd from 2:30pm-3:30pm. Pick up will be at 3:45pm.
Official practice will begin January 27th 2:30pm-4:30pm each day after school. Kids will need t-shirt, shorts, wrestling shoes and an optional water bottle
All student athletes need to have a physical uploaded to Final Forms in order to participate in any of the workouts.
Hart Athletic Liaisons
**Please note the season and sport about which you have questions so your inquiry is directed to the correct Athletic Liaison**
Michael Dulmage - Athletic Liaison for Fall & Winter I Seasons - Football, Sideline Cheer, Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball
Christopher DeVantier - Athletic Liaison for Winter II & Spring Seasons - Competitive Cheer, Volleyball, Wrestling, Track & Field
Contact an Athletic Liaison
Additional Resources: